Katelyn and Grant all ready to go!
As we might have expected Katelyn really enjoyed going on all the rides that she was big enough for and even seemed to be bored by some of them, apparently a roller coaster is still nothing compared to the air tricks she does with Tyler. :) Here she is on a ride all by herself. She is in the red plane. Unfortunately, she wasn't strong/big enough to pull the lever that makes you go up and down but she was still happy the whole time.
Riding the kid roller coaster with Daddy. I think Tyler even got her to put her arms in the air.
Whee! The "Dumbo" ride with Grammy.
On the 13th the wedding finally came. Everything was beautiful. My Mom, Dad and Scott (assisted by others :) put a lot of work into their back yard and it was absolutely perfect. Unfortunately I did not keep my camera close enough to get a picture of the happy couple and I also missed a couple of cute ones of Grant and Katelyn together but here a few of just her.
Showing off her dress.
We've been trying to teach Katelyn to smile with her mouth and not just her shoulders by prompting her to show us her teeth. This is the result. :)
One of my most favorite pictures.
Jumping on the tramp with Grant and Uncle Cameron. Hair is looking good . . .
After the wedding was over and just before we left for home we went downtown with my Mom, Dad and Scott to feed the ducks and ride the carousel. Here is Scotty trying to get a Canada goose to eat out of his hand.
Tyler had a to keep a tight hold of Katelyn to make sure she didn't just jump right in.
We also showed Katelyn the classic tradition of feeding the goat. I think she was pretty startled at first but thought it was pretty fun after that.
And of course we rode the carousel. Katelyn had lots of fun shouting "neigh" (or "naa" as she pronounces it) when she saw the horses. She also had fun riding with Daddy and then with Papa.
We had such an awesome time in Spokane and always wish we could stay longer. We were so glad to get to see so much family and so many friends and can't wait until next time! :)