Enjoying the slide with daddy. She also was very into some of the dolls for quite a while.
Katelyn loves smashing her face up against things. :)
Having a great time!
Next we went to a room based on one of Katelyn's favorite shows, Peep and the Big Wide World. There is all sorts of stuff about shadows and other things they learn about on the show and a big water area based on the pond one of the characters lives in. Here are Katelyn and I with Peep. She was pretty excited to see them, though you can't really tell here, I think she was a little sad that they didn't move.
Playing in the water.
We also saw a room full of different bubbles contraptions and another where you can run golf balls on all sorts of tracks and we didn't even see half of the stuff they have there. It was a great time. Hopefully, we'll be able to get passes again before we go.
Finally, you may have noticed Katelyn's new pigtails in the earlier pictures. I recently discovered that her hair was long enough to put up this way. The best part however, is how awesome her hair looks when we take it out at the end of the day. Tyler likes to refer to it as her Wolverine look. :)